Clark Twinblock (Stage 1)
For Class II Relationships, This appliance comprises of two plates adapted on both the Upper and Lower arches which occlusal Ramps are fitted with a 70° inclined plane. Located on the premolars, these ramps promote the mandible to protrude forward. By activating the screw, the arches can be moved one at a time or both at once. Moreover, many accessories can be added to the appliance in order to distalise, lingualise, mesialise or move one or several teeth buccally. Selective grinding of the occlusal pads enables lower posterior teeth to erupt, therefore reducing the vertical overbite. The Twin Block is comfortable to wear and patient friendly. Smaller than other functional appliances, it can also be worn permanently. It has the advantage of enabling the mandible to advance without, however, preventing lateral movements. The appliance makes it easier for patients to speak.
Fabrication requirements
- Upper stone model
- Lower stone model
- Wax protrusion bite
- Maximum 8mm mandibular advancement
- Minimum 5mm interincisor space

The Bionator appliance has become widely accepted as a result of the reliable orthopedic corrections it produces. Advantages of these appliances are their great durability, ease of patient acceptance, and delivery.
- The standard open bite Bionator is designed to aid in correction of Class II malocclusions by maintaining the mandible in an advanced position and guiding the eruption of the posterior teeth. In order to prevent the super eruption of the anterior teeth, the mandibular anteriors are covered with an acrylic cap which comes in contact with the maxillary anteriors.
An expansion screw can be added to maintain a tight fit of the appliance.
- The Close Bite Bionator is designed to aid in correction
of Class II malocclusions and the reduction of an anterior open bite. The latter is achieved by keeping the acrylic coverage over the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth. An expansion screw can be added to maintain a tight fit of the appliance.
Fabrication requirements
- Upper stone model
- Lower stone model
- Wax protrusion bite
- Maximum 8mm mandibular advancement
- Minimum 2mm interincisor space

Sander III
Sander III

Anti Snoring Device
Anti Snoring Device